Kyoto Internet Cafe Accommodation
Matthew BaxterA great way to save money. Starting from an around one thousand yen, internet cafes are a super cheap way to stay in the city. Probably much more comfortable than what you are used to back home, they are often the best way to stay the night downtown. They are also great if you have missed your last train.
Staying the night at an internet cafe is easy. Pictures menus show what is available and there is usually an English translation to help. Prices may vary a little depending on the location. Check out our map below for locations.
Internet Cafes can get very busy at the weekend. Therefore, we highly recommend saving the map below, or printing it out in case your internet cafe gets full up.
As Kyoto is a traditional town, there are not many internet cafes, but here are some recommended ones:
MediaCafe Popeye (メディアカフェポパイ)
A well-known chain with a great selection of comics, videos and games for you to enjoy for free. Booths are usually available and showers are provided.
‘Night Pack’ Open Seat Prices: 780 yen for 5 hours, 1560 yen for 10 hours.
‘Night Pack’ Private Booth Prices: 980 yen for 5 hours, 1860 yen for 10 hours. Other options available.
Topscafe (トップス カフェ)
Not as fancy as other internet cafes, but Topscafe (AKA Topsnet) is has a nice friendly atmosphere. Showers may not be available. Right next to Kyoto station.
‘Night Pack’ Seat: 1,575 yen for 7 hours
Comic Buster (コミックバスター)
A small chain of internet cafes in Kyoto.
‘Night Pack’ Open Seat Prices: 1380 yen for 6 hours, 1780 yen for 12 hours.
‘Night Pack’ Private Booth Prices: 1580 yen for 6 hours, 1980 yen for 12 hours. Other options available.
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