Brilliant Bonsai in Showa Kinen Park
Matthew BaxterShowa Kinen Park (Showa Memorial Park) is an often forgotten, but amazingly varied park west of central Tokyo. Along with great cherry blossom and autumn colour spots, the park has a purpose built outdoor bonsai museum. It’s free to enter for those you have entered the main park, and offers a spectacular selection of bonsai, with all different kinds of shapes and sizes. Here are some pics from my recent trip.
All the bonsai are precisely and carefully presented, of course!
Just imagine, each of those leaves are individually cut and trimmed!
There are some indoor ones as well, in a little Japanese hut. The above picture was actually taken in the spring.
This kind of one would retail for around 400,000 yen, or about 3500 dollars! Plenty to see!
This one was rather cute, but there were too many to choose a favourite!
For information can be found in Tokyo Outdoors, which has a chapter on the park.